220 lines
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220 lines
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// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Created by Florian Fida on 20/01/12
// Copyright 2012 - Under creative commons license 3.0:
// Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA
// http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
// This software is furnished "as is", without technical support, and with no
// warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for any purpose.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// fio_shiftOut1 functions are based on Shif1 protocol developed by Roman Black
// (http://www.romanblack.com/shift1.htm)
// Thread Safe: No
// Extendable: Yes
// @file FastIO.h
// This file implements basic fast IO routines.
// @brief
// @version API 1.0.0
// @author Florian Fida -
// 2012-03-16 bperrybap mods for chipkit32 (pic32) Arduino
// support chipkit:
// (https://github.com/chipKIT32/chipKIT32-MAX/blob/master/hardware/pic32/
// cores/pic32/wiring_digital.c)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef _FAST_IO_H_
#define _FAST_IO_H_
#if (ARDUINO < 100)
#include <WProgram.h>
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <pins_arduino.h> // pleasing sanguino core
#include <inttypes.h>
#define SKIP 0x23
#if defined (__AVR__)
#include <util/atomic.h> // for critical section management
typedef uint8_t fio_bit;
typedef volatile uint8_t *fio_register;
#elif defined(__PIC32MX__)
typedef uint32_t fio_bit;
typedef volatile uint32_t *fio_register;
// fallback to Arduino standard digital i/o routines
#define ATOMIC_BLOCK(dummy) if(true)
typedef uint8_t fio_bit;
typedef uint8_t fio_register;
#if !defined(FIO_FALLBACK) && !defined(ATOMIC_BLOCK)
* Define an ATOMIC_BLOCK that implements ATOMIC_FORCEON type
* Using the portable Arduino interrupts() and noInterrupts()
#define ATOMIC_RESTORESTATE ATOMIC_FORCEON // sorry, no support for save/restore yet.
#define ATOMIC_FORCEON uint8_t sreg_save \
__attribute__((__cleanup__(__iSeiParam))) = 0
static __inline__ uint8_t __iCliRetVal(void)
static __inline__ void __iSeiParam(const uint8_t *__s)
#define ATOMIC_BLOCK(type) for(type, __Todo = __iCliRetVal(); __Todo; __Todo = 0)
#endif // end of block to create compatible ATOMIC_BLOCK()
@abstract Get the output register for specified pin.
@discussion if fast digital IO is disabled this function returns NULL
@param pin[in] Number of a digital pin
@result Register
fio_register fio_pinToOutputRegister(uint8_t pin, uint8_t initial_state = LOW);
@abstract Get the input register for specified pin.
@discussion if fast digital IO is disabled this function returns NULL
@param pin[in] Number of a digital pin
@result Register
fio_register fio_pinToInputRegister(uint8_t pin);
@abstract Find the bit which belongs to specified pin
@discussion if fast digitalWrite is disabled this function returns the pin
@param pin[in] Number of a digital pin
@result Bit
fio_bit fio_pinToBit(uint8_t pin);
@abstract direct digital write
@discussion without any checks
@discussion falls back to normal digitalWrite if fast io is disabled
@param pinRegister[in] Register - ignored if fast digital write is disabled
@param pinBit[in] Bit - Pin if fast digital write is disabled
@param value[in] desired output
// __attribute__ ((always_inline)) /* let the optimizer decide that for now */
void fio_digitalWrite ( fio_register pinRegister, fio_bit pinBit, uint8_t value );
* This is where the magic happens that makes things fast.
* Implemented as preprocessor directives to force inlining
* SWITCH is fast for FIO but probably slow for FIO_FALLBACK so SWITCHTO is recommended if the value is known.
#define fio_digitalWrite_LOW(reg,bit) *reg &= ~bit
#define fio_digitalWrite_HIGH(reg,bit) *reg |= bit
#define fio_digitalWrite_SWITCH(reg,bit) *reg ^= bit
#define fio_digitalWrite_SWITCHTO(reg,bit,val) fio_digitalWrite_SWITCH(reg,bit)
// reg -> dummy NULL, bit -> pin
#define fio_digitalWrite_HIGH(reg,bit) digitalWrite(bit,HIGH)
#define fio_digitalWrite_LOW(reg,bit) digitalWrite(bit,LOW)
#define fio_digitalWrite_SWITCH(reg,bit) digitalWrite(bit, !digitalRead(bit))
#define fio_digitalWrite_SWITCHTO(reg,bit,val) digitalWrite(bit,val);
@abstract direct digital read
@discussion without any checks
@discussion falls back to normal digitalRead if fast io is disabled
@param pinRegister[in] Register - ignored if fast io is disabled
@param pinBit[in] Bit - Pin if fast io is disabled
@result Value read from pin
int fio_digitalRead ( fio_register pinRegister, fio_bit pinBit );
@abstract faster shift out
@discussion using fast digital write
@discussion falls back to normal digitalWrite if fastio is disabled
@param dataRegister[in] Register of data pin - ignored if fast digital write is disabled
@param dataBit[in] Bit of data pin - Pin if fast digital write is disabled
@param clockRegister[in] Register of data pin - ignored if fast digital write is disabled
@param clockBit[in] Bit of data pin - Pin if fast digital write is disabled
@param bitOrder[in] bit order
void fio_shiftOut( fio_register dataRegister, fio_bit dataBit, fio_register clockRegister,
fio_bit clockBit, uint8_t value, uint8_t bitOrder );
@abstract faster shift out clear
@discussion using fast digital write
@discussion falls back to normal digitalWrite if fastio is disabled
@param dataRegister[in] Register of data pin - ignored if fast digital write is disabled
@param dataBit[in] Bit of data pin - Pin if fast digital write is disabled
@param clockRegister[in] Register of data pin - ignored if fast digital write is disabled
@param clockBit[in] Bit of data pin - Pin if fast digital write is disabled
void fio_shiftOut(fio_register dataRegister, fio_bit dataBit, fio_register clockRegister, fio_bit clockBit);
* @method
* @abstract one wire shift out
* @discussion protocol needs initialisation (fio_shiftOut1_init)
* @param shift1Register[in] pins register
* @param shift1Bit[in] pins bit
* @param value[in] value to shift out, last byte is ignored and always shifted out LOW
void fio_shiftOut1(fio_register shift1Register, fio_bit shift1Bit, uint8_t value, boolean noLatch = false);
* @method
* @abstract one wire shift out
* @discussion protocol needs initialisation (fio_shiftOut1_init)
* @param pin[in] digital pin
* @param value[in] value to shift out, last byte is ignored and always shifted out LOW
void fio_shiftOut1(uint8_t pin, uint8_t value, boolean noLatch = false);
* @method
* @abstract initializes one wire shift out protocol
* @discussion Puts pin to HIGH state and delays until Capacitors are charged.
* @param shift1Register[in] pins register
* @param shift1Bit[in] pins bit
void fio_shiftOut1_init(fio_register shift1Register, fio_bit shift1Bit);
* @method
* @abstract initializes one wire shift out protocol
* @discussion Puts pin to HIGH state and delays until Capacitors are charged.
* @param pin[in] digital pin
void fio_shiftOut1_init(uint8_t pin);
#endif // FAST_IO_H