LCD Library 1.2.1
LCD Library - LCD control class hierarchy library. Drop in replacement for the LiquidCrystal Library.
Classes | Defines | Enumerations | Functions
/Users/fmalpartida/development/ardWorkspace/LiquidCrystal_I2C/LiquiCrystal_I2C/LCD.h File Reference
#include <WProgram.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <Print.h>

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class  LCD


#define BACKLIGHT_OFF   0
#define BACKLIGHT_ON   255
#define COMMAND   0
#define DATA   1
#define FOUR_BITS   2
#define HOME_CLEAR_EXEC   2000
#define LCD_1LINE   0x00
#define LCD_2LINE   0x08
#define LCD_4BITMODE   0x00
#define LCD_5x10DOTS   0x04
#define LCD_5x8DOTS   0x00
#define LCD_8BITMODE   0x10
#define LCD_BLINKOFF   0x00
#define LCD_BLINKON   0x01
#define LCD_CLEARDISPLAY   0x01
#define LCD_CURSORMOVE   0x00
#define LCD_CURSOROFF   0x00
#define LCD_CURSORON   0x02
#define LCD_CURSORSHIFT   0x10
#define LCD_DISPLAYMOVE   0x08
#define LCD_DISPLAYOFF   0x00
#define LCD_DISPLAYON   0x04
#define LCD_ENTRYLEFT   0x02
#define LCD_ENTRYMODESET   0x04
#define LCD_ENTRYRIGHT   0x00
#define LCD_FUNCTIONSET   0x20
#define LCD_MOVELEFT   0x00
#define LCD_MOVERIGHT   0x04
#define LCD_RETURNHOME   0x02
#define LCD_SETCGRAMADDR   0x40
#define LCD_SETDDRAMADDR   0x80


enum  t_backlighPol { POSITIVE, NEGATIVE }


static void waitUsec (uint16_t uSec)

Define Documentation

#define BACKLIGHT_OFF   0

Backlight off constant declaration Used in combination with the setBacklight to swith off the LCD backlight. setBacklight

Definition at line 151 of file LCD.h.

#define BACKLIGHT_ON   255

Backlight on constant declaration Used in combination with the setBacklight to swith on the LCD backlight. setBacklight

Definition at line 159 of file LCD.h.

#define COMMAND   0

Definition at line 132 of file LCD.h.

#define DATA   1

Definition at line 133 of file LCD.h.

#define FOUR_BITS   2

Definition at line 134 of file LCD.h.

#define HOME_CLEAR_EXEC   2000

Defines the duration of the home and clear commands This constant defines the time it takes for the home and clear commands in the LCD - Time in microseconds.

Definition at line 143 of file LCD.h.

#define LCD_1LINE   0x00

Definition at line 125 of file LCD.h.

#define LCD_2LINE   0x08

Definition at line 124 of file LCD.h.

#define LCD_4BITMODE   0x00

Definition at line 123 of file LCD.h.

#define LCD_5x10DOTS   0x04

Definition at line 126 of file LCD.h.

#define LCD_5x8DOTS   0x00

Definition at line 127 of file LCD.h.

#define LCD_8BITMODE   0x10

Definition at line 122 of file LCD.h.

#define LCD_BLINKOFF   0x00

Definition at line 111 of file LCD.h.

#define LCD_BLINKON   0x01

Definition at line 110 of file LCD.h.

#define LCD_CLEARDISPLAY   0x01

All these definitions shouldn't be used unless you are writing a driver. All these definitions are for driver implementation only and shouldn't be used by applications.

Definition at line 88 of file LCD.h.

#define LCD_CURSORMOVE   0x00

Definition at line 116 of file LCD.h.

#define LCD_CURSOROFF   0x00

Definition at line 109 of file LCD.h.

#define LCD_CURSORON   0x02

Definition at line 108 of file LCD.h.

#define LCD_CURSORSHIFT   0x10

Definition at line 92 of file LCD.h.


Definition at line 91 of file LCD.h.

#define LCD_DISPLAYMOVE   0x08

Definition at line 115 of file LCD.h.

#define LCD_DISPLAYOFF   0x00

Definition at line 107 of file LCD.h.

#define LCD_DISPLAYON   0x04

Definition at line 106 of file LCD.h.

#define LCD_ENTRYLEFT   0x02

Definition at line 100 of file LCD.h.

#define LCD_ENTRYMODESET   0x04

Definition at line 90 of file LCD.h.

#define LCD_ENTRYRIGHT   0x00

Definition at line 99 of file LCD.h.


Definition at line 102 of file LCD.h.


Definition at line 101 of file LCD.h.

#define LCD_FUNCTIONSET   0x20

Definition at line 93 of file LCD.h.

#define LCD_MOVELEFT   0x00

Definition at line 118 of file LCD.h.

#define LCD_MOVERIGHT   0x04

Definition at line 117 of file LCD.h.

#define LCD_RETURNHOME   0x02

Definition at line 89 of file LCD.h.

#define LCD_SETCGRAMADDR   0x40

Definition at line 94 of file LCD.h.

#define LCD_SETDDRAMADDR   0x80

Definition at line 95 of file LCD.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 167 of file LCD.h.

Function Documentation

static void waitUsec ( uint16_t  uSec) [inline, static]

Enables disables fast waits for write operations for LCD If defined, the library will avoid doing un-necessary waits. this can be done, because the time taken by Arduino's slow digitalWrite operations. If fast digitalIO operations, comment this line out or undefine the mode.

waits for a given time in microseconds (compilation dependent). Waits for a given time defined in microseconds depending on the FAST_MODE define. If the FAST_MODE is defined the call will return inmediatelly.

uSec[in]time in microseconds.

Definition at line 71 of file LCD.h.

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