<x-mail::message> {{-- Imagen con URL o Base64 --}} @if (! empty($image)) <img src="{{ $image }}" alt="{{ config('app.name') }}" style="max-width: 85%; height: auto; display: block; margin: 0 auto 10px auto;"> @endif {{-- Greeting --}} @if (! empty($greeting)) # {{ $greeting }} @else @if ($level === 'error') # @lang('Whoops!') @else # @lang('Hello!') @endif @endif {{-- Intro Lines --}} @foreach ($introLines as $line) {{ $line }} @endforeach {{-- Action Button --}} @isset($actionText) <?php $color = match ($level) { 'success', 'error' => $level, default => 'primary', }; ?> <x-mail::button :url="$actionUrl" :color="$color"> {{ $actionText }} </x-mail::button> @endisset {{-- Outro Lines --}} @foreach ($outroLines as $line) {{ $line }} @endforeach {{-- Salutation --}} @if (! empty($salutation)) {{ $salutation }} @else @lang('Regards,')<br> {{ config('app.name') }} @endif {{-- Subcopy --}} @isset($actionText) <x-slot:subcopy> @lang( "If you're having trouble clicking the \":actionText\" button, copy and paste the URL below\n". 'into your web browser:', [ 'actionText' => $actionText, ] ) <span class="break-all">[{{ $displayableActionUrl }}]({{ $actionUrl }})</span> </x-slot:subcopy> @endisset </x-mail::message>