import './_template-customizer/_template-customizer.scss' import customizerMarkup from './_template-customizer/_template-customizer.html?raw' const CSS_FILENAME_PATTERN = '%name%.scss' const CONTROLS = [ 'rtl', 'style', 'headerType', 'contentLayout', 'layoutCollapsed', 'showDropdownOnHover', 'layoutNavbarOptions', 'layoutFooterFixed', 'themes' ] const STYLES = ['light', 'dark', 'system'] const NAVBAR_OPTIONS = ['sticky', 'static', 'hidden'] let layoutNavbarVar const cl = document.documentElement.classList if (cl.contains('layout-navbar-fixed')) layoutNavbarVar = 'sticky' else if (cl.contains('layout-navbar-hidden')) layoutNavbarVar = 'hidden' else layoutNavbarVar = 'static' const DISPLAY_CUSTOMIZER = true const DEFAULT_THEME = document.getElementsByTagName('HTML')[0].getAttribute('data-theme') || 0 const DEFAULT_STYLE = cl.contains('dark-style') ? 'dark' : 'light' const DEFAULT_TEXT_DIR = document.documentElement.getAttribute('dir') === 'rtl' const DEFAULT_MENU_COLLAPSED = !!cl.contains('layout-menu-collapsed') const DEFAULT_SHOW_DROPDOWN_ON_HOVER = true const DEFAULT_NAVBAR_FIXED = layoutNavbarVar const DEFAULT_CONTENT_LAYOUT = cl.contains('layout-wide') ? 'wide' : 'compact' const DEFAULT_FOOTER_FIXED = !!cl.contains('layout-footer-fixed') let headerType if (cl.contains('layout-menu-offcanvas')) { headerType = 'static-offcanvas' } else if (cl.contains('layout-menu-fixed')) { headerType = 'fixed' } else if (cl.contains('layout-menu-fixed-offcanvas')) { headerType = 'fixed-offcanvas' } else { headerType = 'static' } const DEFAULT_LAYOUT_TYPE = headerType class TemplateCustomizer { constructor({ cssPath, themesPath, cssFilenamePattern, displayCustomizer, controls, defaultTextDir, defaultHeaderType, defaultContentLayout, defaultMenuCollapsed, defaultShowDropdownOnHover, defaultNavbarType, defaultFooterFixed, styles, navbarOptions, defaultStyle, availableContentLayouts, availableDirections, availableStyles, availableThemes, availableLayouts, availableHeaderTypes, availableNavbarOptions, defaultTheme, pathResolver, onSettingsChange, lang }) { if (this._ssr) return if (!window.Helpers) throw new Error('window.Helpers required.') this.settings = {} this.settings.cssPath = cssPath this.settings.themesPath = themesPath this.settings.cssFilenamePattern = cssFilenamePattern || CSS_FILENAME_PATTERN this.settings.displayCustomizer = typeof displayCustomizer !== 'undefined' ? displayCustomizer : DISPLAY_CUSTOMIZER this.settings.controls = controls || CONTROLS this.settings.defaultTextDir = defaultTextDir === 'rtl' ? true : false || DEFAULT_TEXT_DIR this.settings.defaultHeaderType = defaultHeaderType || DEFAULT_LAYOUT_TYPE this.settings.defaultMenuCollapsed = typeof defaultMenuCollapsed !== 'undefined' ? defaultMenuCollapsed : DEFAULT_MENU_COLLAPSED this.settings.defaultContentLayout = typeof defaultContentLayout !== 'undefined' ? defaultContentLayout : DEFAULT_CONTENT_LAYOUT this.settings.defaultShowDropdownOnHover = typeof defaultShowDropdownOnHover !== 'undefined' ? defaultShowDropdownOnHover : DEFAULT_SHOW_DROPDOWN_ON_HOVER this.settings.defaultNavbarType = typeof defaultNavbarType !== 'undefined' ? defaultNavbarType : DEFAULT_NAVBAR_FIXED this.settings.defaultFooterFixed = typeof defaultFooterFixed !== 'undefined' ? defaultFooterFixed : DEFAULT_FOOTER_FIXED this.settings.availableDirections = availableDirections || TemplateCustomizer.DIRECTIONS this.settings.availableStyles = availableStyles || TemplateCustomizer.STYLES this.settings.availableThemes = availableThemes || TemplateCustomizer.THEMES this.settings.availableHeaderTypes = availableHeaderTypes || TemplateCustomizer.HEADER_TYPES this.settings.availableContentLayouts = availableContentLayouts || TemplateCustomizer.CONTENT this.settings.availableLayouts = availableLayouts || TemplateCustomizer.LAYOUTS this.settings.availableNavbarOptions = availableNavbarOptions || TemplateCustomizer.NAVBAR_OPTIONS this.settings.defaultTheme = this._getDefaultTheme( typeof defaultTheme !== 'undefined' ? defaultTheme : DEFAULT_THEME ) this.settings.styles = styles || STYLES this.settings.navbarOptions = navbarOptions || NAVBAR_OPTIONS this.settings.defaultStyle = defaultStyle || DEFAULT_STYLE this.settings.lang = lang || 'en' this.pathResolver = pathResolver || (p => p) if (this.settings.styles.length < 2) { const i = this.settings.controls.indexOf('style') if (i !== -1) { this.settings.controls = this.settings.controls.slice(0, i).concat(this.settings.controls.slice(i + 1)) } } this.settings.onSettingsChange = typeof onSettingsChange === 'function' ? onSettingsChange : () => {} this._loadSettings() this._listeners = [] this._controls = {} this._initDirection() this._initStyle() this._initTheme() this.setLayoutType(this.settings.headerType, false) this.setContentLayout(this.settings.contentLayout, false) this.setDropdownOnHover(this.settings.showDropdownOnHover, false) this.setLayoutNavbarOption(this.settings.layoutNavbarOptions, false) this.setLayoutFooterFixed(this.settings.layoutFooterFixed, false) this._setup() } setRtl(rtl) { if (!this._hasControls('rtl')) return this._setSetting('Rtl', String(rtl)) this._setCookie('direction', rtl, 365) window.location.reload() } setContentLayout(contentLayout, updateStorage = true) { if (!this._hasControls('contentLayout')) return this.settings.contentLayout = contentLayout if (updateStorage) this._setSetting('contentLayout', contentLayout) window.Helpers.setContentLayout(contentLayout) if (updateStorage), this.settings) } setStyle(style) { const layoutName = this._getLayoutName() const isAdmin = !layoutName.includes('front') this._setSetting('Style', style) const modeCookieName = isAdmin ? 'admin-mode' : 'front-mode' const colorPrefCookieName = isAdmin ? 'admin-colorPref' : 'front-colorPref' if (style !== '' && this._checkCookie(modeCookieName)) { if (style === 'system') { this._setCookie(modeCookieName, 'system', 365) if (window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches) { this._setCookie(colorPrefCookieName, 'dark', 365) } else { this._setCookie(colorPrefCookieName, 'light', 365) } } else { if (style === 'dark') { this._setCookie(modeCookieName, 'dark', 365) this._setCookie(colorPrefCookieName, 'dark', 365) } else { this._setCookie(modeCookieName, 'light', 365) this._setCookie(colorPrefCookieName, 'light', 365) } } } else { this._setCookie(modeCookieName, style || 'light', 365) } window.location.reload() } setTheme(themeName, updateStorage = true, cb = null) { if (!this._hasControls('themes')) return const theme = this._getThemeByName(themeName) if (!theme) return this.settings.theme = theme if (updateStorage) this._setSetting('Theme', themeName) this._setCookie('theme', themeName, 365) const themeUrl = this.pathResolver( this.settings.themesPath + this.settings.cssFilenamePattern.replace( '%name%', themeName + ( !== 'light' ? `-${}` : '') ) ) this._loadStylesheets({ [themeUrl]: document.querySelector('.template-customizer-theme-css') }, cb || (() => {})) if (updateStorage), this.settings) } setLayoutType(pos, updateStorage = true) { if (!this._hasControls('headerType')) return if (pos !== 'static' && pos !== 'static-offcanvas' && pos !== 'fixed' && pos !== 'fixed-offcanvas') return this.settings.headerType = pos if (updateStorage) this._setSetting('LayoutType', pos) window.Helpers.setPosition( pos === 'fixed' || pos === 'fixed-offcanvas', pos === 'static-offcanvas' || pos === 'fixed-offcanvas' ) if (updateStorage), this.settings) // Perfectscrollbar change on Layout change let menuScroll = window.Helpers.menuPsScroll const PerfectScrollbarLib = window.PerfectScrollbar if (this.settings.headerType === 'fixed' || this.settings.headerType === 'fixed-offcanvas') { // Set perfectscrollbar wheelPropagation false for fixed layout if (PerfectScrollbarLib && menuScroll) { window.Helpers.menuPsScroll.destroy() menuScroll = new PerfectScrollbarLib(document.querySelector('.menu-inner'), { suppressScrollX: true, wheelPropagation: false }) window.Helpers.menuPsScroll = menuScroll } } else if (menuScroll) { // Destroy perfectscrollbar for static layout window.Helpers.menuPsScroll.destroy() } } setDropdownOnHover(open, updateStorage = true) { if (!this._hasControls('showDropdownOnHover')) return this.settings.showDropdownOnHover = open if (updateStorage) this._setSetting('ShowDropdownOnHover', open) if (window.Helpers.mainMenu) { window.Helpers.mainMenu.destroy() config.showDropdownOnHover = open const { Menu } = window window.Helpers.mainMenu = new Menu(document.getElementById('layout-menu'), { orientation: 'horizontal', closeChildren: true, showDropdownOnHover: config.showDropdownOnHover }) } if (updateStorage), this.settings) } setLayoutNavbarOption(navbarType, updateStorage = true) { if (!this._hasControls('layoutNavbarOptions')) return this.settings.layoutNavbarOptions = navbarType if (updateStorage) this._setSetting('FixedNavbarOption', navbarType) window.Helpers.setNavbar(navbarType) if (updateStorage), this.settings) } setLayoutFooterFixed(fixed, updateStorage = true) { // if (!this._hasControls('layoutFooterFixed')) return this.settings.layoutFooterFixed = fixed if (updateStorage) this._setSetting('FixedFooter', fixed) window.Helpers.setFooterFixed(fixed) if (updateStorage), this.settings) } setLang(lang, updateStorage = true, force = false) { if (lang === this.settings.lang && !force) return if (!TemplateCustomizer.LANGUAGES[lang]) throw new Error(`Language "${lang}" not found!`) const t = TemplateCustomizer.LANGUAGES[lang] ;[ 'panel_header', 'panel_sub_header', 'theming_header', 'style_label', 'style_switch_light', 'style_switch_dark', 'layout_header', 'layout_label', 'layout_header_label', 'content_label', 'layout_static', 'layout_offcanvas', 'layout_fixed', 'layout_fixed_offcanvas', 'layout_dd_open_label', 'layout_navbar_label', 'layout_footer_label', 'misc_header', 'theme_label', 'direction_label' ].forEach(key => { const el = this.container.querySelector(`.template-customizer-t-${key}`) // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions el && (el.textContent = t[key]) }) const tt = t.themes || {} const themes = this.container.querySelectorAll('.template-customizer-theme-item') || [] for (let i = 0, l = themes.length; i < l; i++) { const themeName = themes[i].querySelector('input[type="radio"]').value themes[i].querySelector('.template-customizer-theme-name').textContent = tt[themeName] || this._getThemeByName(themeName).title } this.settings.lang = lang if (updateStorage) this._setSetting('Lang', lang) if (updateStorage), this.settings) } // Update theme settings control update() { if (this._ssr) return const hasNavbar = !!document.querySelector('.layout-navbar') const hasMenu = !!document.querySelector('.layout-menu') const hasHorizontalMenu = !!document.querySelector(', .layout-menu-horizontal .menu') const isLayout1 = !!document.querySelector('.layout-wrapper.layout-navbar-full') const hasFooter = !!document.querySelector('.content-footer') if (this._controls.showDropdownOnHover) { if (hasMenu) { this._controls.showDropdownOnHover.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled') this._controls.showDropdownOnHover.classList.add('disabled') } else { this._controls.showDropdownOnHover.removeAttribute('disabled') this._controls.showDropdownOnHover.classList.remove('disabled') } } if (this._controls.layoutNavbarOptions) { if (!hasNavbar) { this._controls.layoutNavbarOptions.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled') this._controls.layoutNavbarOptionsW.classList.add('disabled') } else { this._controls.layoutNavbarOptions.removeAttribute('disabled') this._controls.layoutNavbarOptionsW.classList.remove('disabled') } // Horizontal menu fixed layout - disabled fixed navbar switch if (hasHorizontalMenu && hasNavbar && this.settings.headerType === 'fixed') { this._controls.layoutNavbarOptions.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled') this._controls.layoutNavbarOptionsW.classList.add('disabled') } } if (this._controls.layoutFooterFixed) { if (!hasFooter) { this._controls.layoutFooterFixed.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled') this._controls.layoutFooterFixedW.classList.add('disabled') } else { this._controls.layoutFooterFixed.removeAttribute('disabled') this._controls.layoutFooterFixedW.classList.remove('disabled') } } if (this._controls.headerType) { // ? Uncomment If using offcanvas layout /* if (!hasMenu) { this._controls.headerType.querySelector('[value="static-offcanvas"]').setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled') this._controls.headerType.querySelector('[value="fixed-offcanvas"]').setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled') } else { this._controls.headerType.querySelector('[value="static-offcanvas"]').removeAttribute('disabled') this._controls.headerType.querySelector('[value="fixed-offcanvas"]').removeAttribute('disabled') } */ // Disable menu layouts options if menu (vertical or horizontal) is not there // if ((!hasNavbar && !hasMenu) || (!hasMenu && !isLayout1)) { if (hasMenu || hasHorizontalMenu) { // (Updated condition) this._controls.headerType.removeAttribute('disabled') } else { this._controls.headerType.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled') } } } // Clear local storage clearLocalStorage() { if (this._ssr) return const layoutName = this._getLayoutName() const keysToRemove = [ 'Theme', 'Style', 'LayoutCollapsed', 'FixedNavbarOption', 'LayoutType', 'contentLayout', 'Rtl', 'Lang' ] keysToRemove.forEach(key => { const localStorageKey = `templateCustomizer-${layoutName}--${key}` localStorage.removeItem(localStorageKey) }) this._showResetBtnNotification(false) } // Clear local storage destroy() { if (this._ssr) return this._cleanup() this.settings = null this.container.parentNode.removeChild(this.container) this.container = null } _loadSettings() { // Get settings // const cl = document.documentElement.classList; const rtl = this._getSetting('Rtl') const style = this._getSetting('Style') const theme = this._getSetting('Theme') const contentLayout = this._getSetting('contentLayout') const collapsedMenu = this._getSetting('LayoutCollapsed') // Value will be set from main.js const dropdownOnHover = this._getSetting('ShowDropdownOnHover') // Value will be set from main.js const navbarOption = this._getSetting('FixedNavbarOption') const fixedFooter = this._getSetting('FixedFooter') const lType = this._getSetting('LayoutType') const layoutName = this._getLayoutName() const isAdmin = !layoutName.includes('front') const modeCookieName = isAdmin ? 'admin-mode' : 'front-mode' const colorPrefCookieName = isAdmin ? 'admin-colorPref' : 'front-colorPref' if ( rtl !== '' || style !== '' || theme !== '' || contentLayout !== '' || collapsedMenu !== '' || navbarOption !== '' || lType !== '' ) { this._showResetBtnNotification(true) } else { this._showResetBtnNotification(false) } let type if (lType !== '' && ['static', 'static-offcanvas', 'fixed', 'fixed-offcanvas'].indexOf(lType) !== -1) { type = lType } else { type = this.settings.defaultHeaderType } this.settings.headerType = type // ! Set settings by following priority: Local Storage, Theme Config, HTML Classes this.settings.rtl = this._checkCookie('direction') ? this._getCookie('direction') : rtl !== '' ? rtl === 'true' : this.settings.defaultTextDir this.settings.stylesOpt = this.settings.styles.indexOf(style) !== -1 ? style : this.settings.defaultStyle if (this._getCookie(modeCookieName) === 'system') { if (window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches) { this._setCookie(colorPrefCookieName, 'dark', 365) = 'dark' } else { this._setCookie(colorPrefCookieName, 'light', 365) = 'light' } } else { if (this.settings.stylesOpt === 'system') { if (window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches) { = 'dark' } else { = 'light' } } else { = this.settings.styles.indexOf(style) !== -1 ? style : this.settings.stylesOpt } } this.settings.contentLayout = contentLayout !== '' ? contentLayout : this.settings.defaultContentLayout this.settings.layoutCollapsed = collapsedMenu !== '' ? collapsedMenu === 'true' : this.settings.defaultMenuCollapsed this.settings.showDropdownOnHover = dropdownOnHover !== '' ? dropdownOnHover === 'true' : this.settings.defaultShowDropdownOnHover let navType if (navbarOption !== '' && ['static', 'sticky', 'hidden'].indexOf(navbarOption) !== -1) { navType = navbarOption } else { navType = this.settings.defaultNavbarType } this.settings.layoutNavbarOptions = navType this.settings.layoutFooterFixed = fixedFooter !== '' ? fixedFooter === 'true' : this.settings.defaultFooterFixed if (this._checkCookie('theme')) { this.settings.theme = this._getThemeByName(this._getCookie('theme'), true) } else { this.settings.theme = this._getThemeByName(this._getSetting('Theme'), true) } // Filter options depending on available controls if (!this._hasControls('rtl')) this.settings.rtl = document.documentElement.getAttribute('dir') === 'rtl' if (!this._hasControls('style')) = cl.contains('dark-style') ? 'dark' : 'light' if (!this._hasControls('contentLayout')) this.settings.contentLayout = null if (!this._hasControls('headerType')) this.settings.headerType = null if (!this._hasControls('layoutCollapsed')) this.settings.layoutCollapsed = null if (!this._hasControls('layoutNavbarOptions')) this.settings.layoutNavbarOptions = null if (!this._hasControls('themes')) this.settings.theme = null } // Setup theme settings controls and events _setup(_container = document) { // Function to create customizer elements const createOptionElement = (nameVal, title, inputName, isDarkStyle, image) => { image = image || nameVal return this._getElementFromString(`
`) } this._cleanup() this.container = this._getElementFromString(customizerMarkup) // Customizer visibility condition // const customizerW = this.container if (this.settings.displayCustomizer) customizerW.setAttribute('style', 'visibility: visible') else customizerW.setAttribute('style', 'visibility: hidden') // Open btn // const openBtn = this.container.querySelector('.template-customizer-open-btn') const openBtnCb = () => { this.container.classList.add('template-customizer-open') this.update() if (this._updateInterval) clearInterval(this._updateInterval) this._updateInterval = setInterval(() => { this.update() }, 500) } openBtn.addEventListener('click', openBtnCb) this._listeners.push([openBtn, 'click', openBtnCb]) // Reset btn // const resetBtn = this.container.querySelector('.template-customizer-reset-btn') const resetBtnCb = () => { const layoutName = this._getLayoutName() if (layoutName.includes('front')) { this._deleteCookie('front-mode') this._deleteCookie('front-colorPref') } else { this._deleteCookie('admin-mode') this._deleteCookie('admin-colorPref') } this.clearLocalStorage() window.location.reload() this._deleteCookie('colorPref') this._deleteCookie('theme') this._deleteCookie('direction') } resetBtn.addEventListener('click', resetBtnCb) this._listeners.push([resetBtn, 'click', resetBtnCb]) // Close btn // const closeBtn = this.container.querySelector('.template-customizer-close-btn') const closeBtnCb = () => { this.container.classList.remove('template-customizer-open') if (this._updateInterval) { clearInterval(this._updateInterval) this._updateInterval = null } } closeBtn.addEventListener('click', closeBtnCb) this._listeners.push([closeBtn, 'click', closeBtnCb]) // Style const styleW = this.container.querySelector('.template-customizer-style') const styleOpt = styleW.querySelector('.template-customizer-styles-options') if (!this._hasControls('style')) { styleW.parentNode.removeChild(styleW) } else { this.settings.availableStyles.forEach(style => { const styleEl = createOptionElement(, style.title, 'customRadioIcon', cl.contains('dark-style')) styleOpt.appendChild(styleEl) }) styleOpt.querySelector(`input[value="${this.settings.stylesOpt}"]`).setAttribute('checked', 'checked') // styleCb const styleCb = e => { this._loadingState(true) this.setStyle(, true, () => { this._loadingState(false) }) } styleOpt.addEventListener('change', styleCb) this._listeners.push([styleOpt, 'change', styleCb]) } // Theme const themesW = this.container.querySelector('.template-customizer-themes') const themesWInner = themesW.querySelector('.template-customizer-themes-options') if (!this._hasControls('themes')) { themesW.parentNode.removeChild(themesW) } else { this.settings.availableThemes.forEach(theme => { let image = '' if ( === 'theme-semi-dark') { image = `semi-dark` } else if ( === 'theme-bordered') { image = `border` } else { image = `default` } const themeEl = createOptionElement(, theme.title, 'themeRadios', cl.contains('dark-style'), image) themesWInner.appendChild(themeEl) }) themesWInner.querySelector(`input[value="${}"]`).setAttribute('checked', 'checked') const themeCb = e => { this._loading = true this._loadingState(true, true) this.setTheme(, true, () => { this._loading = false this._loadingState(false, true) }) } themesWInner.addEventListener('change', themeCb) this._listeners.push([themesWInner, 'change', themeCb]) } const themingW = this.container.querySelector('.template-customizer-theming') if (!this._hasControls('style') && !this._hasControls('themes')) { themingW.parentNode.removeChild(themingW) } // Layout wrapper const layoutW = this.container.querySelector('.template-customizer-layout') if (!this._hasControls('rtl headerType contentLayout layoutCollapsed layoutNavbarOptions', true)) { layoutW.parentNode.removeChild(layoutW) } else { // RTL // const directionW = this.container.querySelector('.template-customizer-directions') // ? Hide RTL control in following 2 case if (!this._hasControls('rtl') || !rtlSupport) { directionW.parentNode.removeChild(directionW) } else { const directionOpt = directionW.querySelector('.template-customizer-directions-options') this.settings.availableDirections.forEach(dir => { const dirEl = createOptionElement(, dir.title, 'directionRadioIcon', cl.contains('dark-style')) directionOpt.appendChild(dirEl) }) directionOpt .querySelector(`input[value="${this.settings.rtl === 'true' ? 'rtl' : 'ltr'}"]`) .setAttribute('checked', 'checked') const rtlCb = e => { this._loadingState(true) // For demo purpose, we will use EN as LTR and AR as RTL Language this._getSetting('Lang') === 'ar' ? this._setSetting('Lang', 'en') : this._setSetting('Lang', 'ar') this.setRtl( === 'rtl', true, () => { this._loadingState(false) }) if ( === 'rtl') { window.location.href = baseUrl + 'lang/ar' } else { window.location.href = baseUrl + 'lang/en' } } directionOpt.addEventListener('change', rtlCb) this._listeners.push([directionOpt, 'change', rtlCb]) } // Header Layout Type const headerTypeW = this.container.querySelector('.template-customizer-headerOptions') const templateName = document.documentElement.getAttribute('data-template').split('-') if (!this._hasControls('headerType')) { headerTypeW.parentNode.removeChild(headerTypeW) } else { const headerOpt = headerTypeW.querySelector('.template-customizer-header-options') setTimeout(() => { if (templateName.includes('vertical')) { headerTypeW.parentNode.removeChild(headerTypeW) } }, 100) this.settings.availableHeaderTypes.forEach(header => { const headerEl = createOptionElement(, header.title, 'headerRadioIcon', cl.contains('dark-style'), `horizontal-${}` ) headerOpt.appendChild(headerEl) }) headerOpt.querySelector(`input[value="${this.settings.headerType}"]`).setAttribute('checked', 'checked') const headerTypeCb = e => { this.setLayoutType( } headerOpt.addEventListener('change', headerTypeCb) this._listeners.push([headerOpt, 'change', headerTypeCb]) } // CONTENT // const contentWrapper = this.container.querySelector('.template-customizer-content') // ? Hide RTL control in following 2 case if (!this._hasControls('contentLayout')) { contentWrapper.parentNode.removeChild(contentWrapper) } else { const contentOpt = contentWrapper.querySelector('.template-customizer-content-options') this.settings.availableContentLayouts.forEach(content => { const contentEl = createOptionElement(, content.title, 'contentRadioIcon', cl.contains('dark-style') ) contentOpt.appendChild(contentEl) }) contentOpt.querySelector(`input[value="${this.settings.contentLayout}"]`).setAttribute('checked', 'checked') const contentCb = e => { this._loading = true this._loadingState(true, true) this.setContentLayout(, true, () => { this._loading = false this._loadingState(false, true) }) } contentOpt.addEventListener('change', contentCb) this._listeners.push([contentOpt, 'change', contentCb]) } // Layouts Collapsed: Expanded, Collapsed const layoutCollapsedW = this.container.querySelector('.template-customizer-layouts') if (!this._hasControls('layoutCollapsed')) { layoutCollapsedW.parentNode.removeChild(layoutCollapsedW) } else { setTimeout(() => { if (document.querySelector('.layout-menu-horizontal')) { layoutCollapsedW.parentNode.removeChild(layoutCollapsedW) } }, 100) const layoutCollapsedOpt = layoutCollapsedW.querySelector('.template-customizer-layouts-options') this.settings.availableLayouts.forEach(layoutOpt => { const layoutsEl = createOptionElement(, layoutOpt.title, 'layoutsRadios', cl.contains('dark-style') ) layoutCollapsedOpt.appendChild(layoutsEl) }) layoutCollapsedOpt .querySelector(`input[value="${this.settings.layoutCollapsed ? 'collapsed' : 'expanded'}"]`) .setAttribute('checked', 'checked') const layoutCb = e => { window.Helpers.setCollapsed( === 'collapsed', true) this._setSetting('LayoutCollapsed', === 'collapsed') } layoutCollapsedOpt.addEventListener('change', layoutCb) this._listeners.push([layoutCollapsedOpt, 'change', layoutCb]) } // Layout Navbar Options const navbarOption = this.container.querySelector('.template-customizer-layoutNavbarOptions') if (!this._hasControls('layoutNavbarOptions')) { navbarOption.parentNode.removeChild(navbarOption) } else { setTimeout(() => { if (templateName.includes('horizontal')) { navbarOption.parentNode.removeChild(navbarOption) } }, 100) const navbarTypeOpt = navbarOption.querySelector('.template-customizer-navbar-options') this.settings.availableNavbarOptions.forEach(navbarOpt => { const navbarEl = createOptionElement(, navbarOpt.title, 'navbarOptionRadios', cl.contains('dark-style') ) navbarTypeOpt.appendChild(navbarEl) }) // check navbar option from settings navbarTypeOpt .querySelector(`input[value="${this.settings.layoutNavbarOptions}"]`) .setAttribute('checked', 'checked') const navbarCb = e => { this._loading = true this._loadingState(true, true) this.setLayoutNavbarOption(, true, () => { this._loading = false this._loadingState(false, true) }) } navbarTypeOpt.addEventListener('change', navbarCb) this._listeners.push([navbarTypeOpt, 'change', navbarCb]) } } setTimeout(() => { const layoutCustom = this.container.querySelector('.template-customizer-layout') if (document.querySelector('.menu-vertical')) { if (!this._hasControls('rtl contentLayout layoutCollapsed layoutNavbarOptions', true)) { if (layoutCustom) { layoutCustom.parentNode.removeChild(layoutCustom) } } } else if (document.querySelector('.menu-horizontal')) { if (!this._hasControls('rtl contentLayout headerType', true)) { if (layoutCustom) { layoutCustom.parentNode.removeChild(layoutCustom) } } } }, 100) // Set language this.setLang(this.settings.lang, false, true) // Append container if (_container === document) { if (_container.body) { _container.body.appendChild(this.container) } else { window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => _container.body.appendChild(this.container)) } } else { _container.appendChild(this.container) } } _initDirection() { if (this._hasControls('rtl')) { document.documentElement.setAttribute( 'dir', this._checkCookie('direction') ? this._getCookie('direction') === 'true' ? 'rtl' : 'ltr' : this.settings.rtl ? 'rtl' : 'ltr' ) } } // Init template styles _initStyle() { if (!this._hasControls('style')) return const { style } = this.settings this._insertStylesheet( 'template-customizer-core-css', this.pathResolver( this.settings.cssPath + this.settings.cssFilenamePattern.replace('%name%', `core${style !== 'light' ? `-${style}` : ''}`) ) ) // ? Uncomment if needed /* this._insertStylesheet( 'template-customizer-bootstrap-css', this.pathResolver( this.settings.cssPath + this.settings.cssFilenamePattern.replace('%name%', `bootstrap${style !== 'light' ? `-${style}` : ''}`) ) ) this._insertStylesheet( 'template-customizer-bsextended-css', this.pathResolver( this.settings.cssPath + this.settings.cssFilenamePattern.replace( '%name%', `bootstrap-extended${style !== 'light' ? `-${style}` : ''}` ) ) ) this._insertStylesheet( 'template-customizer-components-css', this.pathResolver( this.settings.cssPath + this.settings.cssFilenamePattern.replace('%name%', `components${style !== 'light' ? `-${style}` : ''}`) ) ) this._insertStylesheet( 'template-customizer-colors-css', this.pathResolver( this.settings.cssPath + this.settings.cssFilenamePattern.replace('%name%', `colors${style !== 'light' ? `-${style}` : ''}`) ) ) */ const classesToRemove = style === 'light' ? ['dark-style'] : ['light-style'] classesToRemove.forEach(cls => { document.documentElement.classList.remove(cls) }) document.documentElement.classList.add(`${style}-style`) } // Init theme style _initTheme() { if (this._hasControls('themes')) { this._insertStylesheet( 'template-customizer-theme-css', this.pathResolver( this.settings.themesPath + this.settings.cssFilenamePattern.replace( '%name%', + ( !== 'light' ? `-${}` : '') ) ) ) } else { // If theme control is not enabled, get the current theme from localstorage else display default theme const theme = this._getSetting('Theme') this._insertStylesheet( 'template-customizer-theme-css', this.pathResolver( this.settings.themesPath + this.settings.cssFilenamePattern.replace( '%name%', theme ? theme : + ( !== 'light' ? `-${}` : '') ) ) ) } } _loadStylesheet(href, className) { const link = document.createElement('link') link.rel = 'stylesheet' link.type = 'text/css' link.href = href link.className = className document.head.appendChild(link) } _insertStylesheet(className, href) { const curLink = document.querySelector(`.${className}`) if (typeof document.documentMode === 'number' && document.documentMode < 11) { if (!curLink) return if (href === curLink.getAttribute('href')) return const link = document.createElement('link') link.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet') link.setAttribute('type', 'text/css') link.className = className link.setAttribute('href', href) curLink.parentNode.insertBefore(link, curLink.nextSibling) } else { this._loadStylesheet(href, className) } if (curLink) { curLink.parentNode.removeChild(curLink) } } _loadStylesheets(stylesheets, cb) { const paths = Object.keys(stylesheets) const count = paths.length let loaded = 0 function loadStylesheet(path, curLink, _cb = () => {}) { const link = document.createElement('link') link.setAttribute('href', path) link.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet') link.setAttribute('type', 'text/css') link.className = curLink.className const sheet = 'sheet' in link ? 'sheet' : 'styleSheet' const cssRules = 'sheet' in link ? 'cssRules' : 'rules' let intervalId const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { clearInterval(intervalId) clearTimeout(timeoutId) if (curLink.parentNode.contains(link)) { curLink.parentNode.removeChild(link) } _cb(false, path) }, 15000) intervalId = setInterval(() => { try { if (link[sheet] && link[sheet][cssRules].length) { clearInterval(intervalId) clearTimeout(timeoutId) curLink.parentNode.removeChild(curLink) _cb(true) } } catch (e) { // Catch error } }, 10) curLink.setAttribute('href', link.href) } function stylesheetCallBack() { if ((loaded += 1) >= count) { cb() } } for (let i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { loadStylesheet(paths[i], stylesheets[paths[i]], stylesheetCallBack()) } } _loadingState(enable, themes) { this.container.classList[enable ? 'add' : 'remove'](`template-customizer-loading${themes ? '-theme' : ''}`) } _getElementFromString(str) { const wrapper = document.createElement('div') wrapper.innerHTML = str return wrapper.firstChild } // Set settings in LocalStorage with layout & key _getSetting(key) { let result = null const layoutName = this._getLayoutName() try { result = localStorage.getItem(`templateCustomizer-${layoutName}--${key}`) } catch (e) { // Catch error } return String(result || '') } _showResetBtnNotification(show = true) { setTimeout(() => { const resetBtnAttr = this.container.querySelector('.template-customizer-reset-btn .badge') if (show) { resetBtnAttr.classList.remove('d-none') } else { resetBtnAttr.classList.add('d-none') } }, 200) } // Set settings in LocalStorage with layout & key _setSetting(key, val) { const layoutName = this._getLayoutName() try { localStorage.setItem(`templateCustomizer-${layoutName}--${key}`, String(val)) this._showResetBtnNotification() } catch (e) { // Catch Error } } // Get layout name to set unique _getLayoutName() { return document.getElementsByTagName('HTML')[0].getAttribute('data-template') } _removeListeners() { for (let i = 0, l = this._listeners.length; i < l; i++) { this._listeners[i][0].removeEventListener(this._listeners[i][1], this._listeners[i][2]) } } _cleanup() { this._removeListeners() this._listeners = [] this._controls = {} if (this._updateInterval) { clearInterval(this._updateInterval) this._updateInterval = null } } get _ssr() { return typeof window === 'undefined' } // Check controls availability _hasControls(controls, oneOf = false) { return controls.split(' ').reduce((result, control) => { if (this.settings.controls.indexOf(control) !== -1) { if (oneOf || result !== false) result = true } else if (!oneOf || result !== true) result = false return result }, null) } // Get the default theme _getDefaultTheme(themeId) { let theme if (typeof themeId === 'string') { theme = this._getThemeByName(themeId, false) } else { theme = this.settings.availableThemes[themeId] } if (!theme) { throw new Error(`Theme ID "${themeId}" not found!`) } return theme } // Get theme by themeId/themeName _getThemeByName(themeName, returnDefault = false) { const themes = this.settings.availableThemes for (let i = 0, l = themes.length; i < l; i++) { if (themes[i].name === themeName) return themes[i] } return returnDefault ? this.settings.defaultTheme : null } _setCookie(name, value, daysToExpire, path = '/', domain = '') { const cookie = `${encodeURIComponent(name)}=${encodeURIComponent(value)}` let expires = '' if (daysToExpire) { const expirationDate = new Date() expirationDate.setTime(expirationDate.getTime() + daysToExpire * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) expires = `; expires=${expirationDate.toUTCString()}` } const pathString = `; path=${path}` const domainString = domain ? `; domain=${domain}` : '' document.cookie = `${cookie}${expires}${pathString}${domainString}` } _getCookie(name) { const cookies = document.cookie.split('; ') for (let i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { const [cookieName, cookieValue] = cookies[i].split('=') if (decodeURIComponent(cookieName) === name) { return decodeURIComponent(cookieValue) } } return null } _checkCookie(name) { return this._getCookie(name) !== null } _deleteCookie(name) { document.cookie = name + '=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC; path=/;' } } // Styles TemplateCustomizer.STYLES = [ { name: 'light', title: 'Light' }, { name: 'dark', title: 'Dark' }, { name: 'system', title: 'System' } ] // Themes TemplateCustomizer.THEMES = [ { name: 'theme-default', title: 'Default' }, { name: 'theme-bordered', title: 'Bordered' }, { name: 'theme-semi-dark', title: 'Semi Dark' } ] // Layouts TemplateCustomizer.LAYOUTS = [ { name: 'expanded', title: 'Expanded' }, { name: 'collapsed', title: 'Collapsed' } ] // Navbar Options TemplateCustomizer.NAVBAR_OPTIONS = [ { name: 'sticky', title: 'Sticky' }, { name: 'static', title: 'Static' }, { name: 'hidden', title: 'Hidden' } ] // Header Types TemplateCustomizer.HEADER_TYPES = [ { name: 'fixed', title: 'Fixed' }, { name: 'static', title: 'Static' } ] // Content Types TemplateCustomizer.CONTENT = [ { name: 'compact', title: 'Compact' }, { name: 'wide', title: 'Wide' } ] // Directions TemplateCustomizer.DIRECTIONS = [ { name: 'ltr', title: 'Left to Right (En)' }, { name: 'rtl', title: 'Right to Left (Ar)' } ] // Theme setting language TemplateCustomizer.LANGUAGES = { en: { panel_header: 'Template Customizer', panel_sub_header: 'Customize and preview in real time', theming_header: 'Theming', style_label: 'Style (Mode)', theme_label: 'Themes', layout_header: 'Layout', layout_label: 'Menu (Navigation)', layout_header_label: 'Header Types', content_label: 'Content', layout_navbar_label: 'Navbar Type', direction_label: 'Direction' }, es: { panel_header: 'Personalizador de Plantilla', panel_sub_header: 'Personaliza y previsualiza en tiempo real', theming_header: 'Tematización', style_label: 'Estilo (Modo)', theme_label: 'Temas', layout_header: 'Diseño', layout_label: 'Menú (Navegación)', layout_header_label: 'Tipos de Encabezado', content_label: 'Contenido', layout_navbar_label: 'Tipo de Barra de Navegación', direction_label: 'Dirección' }, fr: { panel_header: 'Modèle De Personnalisation', panel_sub_header: 'Personnalisez et prévisualisez en temps réel', theming_header: 'Thématisation', style_label: 'Style (Mode)', theme_label: 'Thèmes', layout_header: 'Disposition', layout_label: 'Menu (Navigation)', layout_header_label: "Types d'en-tête", content_label: 'Contenu', layout_navbar_label: 'Type de barre de navigation', direction_label: 'Direction' }, ar: { panel_header: 'أداة تخصيص القالب', panel_sub_header: 'تخصيص ومعاينة في الوقت الحقيقي', theming_header: 'السمات', style_label: 'النمط (الوضع)', theme_label: 'المواضيع', layout_header: 'تَخطِيط', layout_label: 'القائمة (الملاحة)', layout_header_label: 'أنواع الرأس', content_label: 'محتوى', layout_navbar_label: 'نوع شريط التنقل', direction_label: 'اتجاه' }, de: { panel_header: 'Vorlagen-Anpasser', panel_sub_header: 'Anpassen und Vorschau in Echtzeit', theming_header: 'Themen', style_label: 'Stil (Modus)', theme_label: 'Themen', layout_header: 'Layout', layout_label: 'Menü (Navigation)', layout_header_label: 'Header-Typen', content_label: 'Inhalt', layout_navbar_label: 'Art der Navigationsleiste', direction_label: 'Richtung' } } window.TemplateCustomizer = TemplateCustomizer