env('AUDITING_ENABLED', true), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audit Implementation |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Define which Audit model implementation should be used. | */ 'implementation' => OwenIt\Auditing\Models\Audit::class, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Morph prefix & Guards |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Define the morph prefix and authentication guards for the User resolver. | */ 'user' => [ 'morph_prefix' => 'user', 'guards' => [ 'web', 'api' ], 'resolver' => OwenIt\Auditing\Resolvers\UserResolver::class ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audit Resolvers |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Define the IP Address, User Agent and URL resolver implementations. | */ 'resolvers' => [ 'ip_address' => OwenIt\Auditing\Resolvers\IpAddressResolver::class, 'user_agent' => OwenIt\Auditing\Resolvers\UserAgentResolver::class, 'url' => OwenIt\Auditing\Resolvers\UrlResolver::class, ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audit Events |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The Eloquent events that trigger an Audit. | */ 'events' => [ 'created', 'updated', 'deleted', 'restored' ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Strict Mode |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Enable the strict mode when auditing? | */ 'strict' => false, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Global exclude |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Have something you always want to exclude by default? - add it here. | Note that this is overwritten (not merged) with local exclude | */ 'exclude' => [], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Empty Values |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Should Audit records be stored when the recorded old_values & new_values | are both empty? | | Some events may be empty on purpose. Use allowed_empty_values to exclude | those from the empty values check. For example when auditing | model retrieved events which will never have new and old values. | | */ 'empty_values' => true, 'allowed_empty_values' => [ 'retrieved' ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Allowed Array Values |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Should the array values be audited? | | By default, array values are not allowed. This is to prevent performance | issues when storing large amounts of data. You can override this by | setting allow_array_values to true. */ 'allowed_array_values' => false, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audit Timestamps |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Should the created_at, updated_at and deleted_at timestamps be audited? | */ 'timestamps' => false, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audit Threshold |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Specify a threshold for the amount of Audit records a model can have. | Zero means no limit. | */ 'threshold' => 0, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audit Driver |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The default audit driver used to keep track of changes. | */ 'driver' => 'database', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audit Driver Configurations |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Available audit drivers and respective configurations. | */ 'drivers' => [ 'database' => [ 'table' => 'audits', 'connection' => null, ], ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audit Queue Configurations |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Available audit queue configurations. | */ 'queue' => [ 'enable' => false, 'connection' => 'sync', 'queue' => 'default', 'delay' => 0, ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Audit Console |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Whether console events should be audited (eg. php artisan db:seed). | */ 'console' => false, ];