/** * Config * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ! IMPORTANT: Make sure you clear the browser local storage In order to see the config changes in the template. * ! To clear local storage: (https://www.leadshook.com/help/how-to-clear-local-storage-in-google-chrome-browser/). */ 'use strict'; // JS global variables window.config = { colors: { primary: '#7367f0', secondary: '#808390', success: '#28c76f', info: '#00bad1', warning: '#ff9f43', danger: '#FF4C51', dark: '#4b4b4b', black: '#000', white: '#fff', cardColor: '#fff', bodyBg: '#f8f7fa', bodyColor: '#6d6b77', headingColor: '#444050', textMuted: '#acaab1', borderColor: '#e6e6e8' }, colors_label: { primary: '#7367f029', secondary: '#a8aaae29', success: '#28c76f29', info: '#00cfe829', warning: '#ff9f4329', danger: '#ea545529', dark: '#4b4b4b29' }, colors_dark: { cardColor: '#2f3349', bodyBg: '#25293c', bodyColor: '#b2b1cb', headingColor: '#cfcce4', textMuted: '#8285a0', borderColor: '#565b79' }, enableMenuLocalStorage: true // Enable menu state with local storage support }; window.assetsPath = document.documentElement.getAttribute('data-assets-path'); window.baseUrl = document.documentElement.getAttribute('data-base-url') + '/'; window.quicklinksUpdateUrl = document.documentElement.getAttribute('data-quicklinks-update-url'); window.templateName = document.documentElement.getAttribute('data-template'); window.rtlSupport = true; // set true for rtl support (rtl + ltr), false for ltr only.