2021-12-01 22:41:59 -06:00

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* DS3231.h
* Arduino Library for the DS3231 Real-Time Clock chip
* (c) Eric Ayars
* 4/1/11
* released into the public domain. If you use this, please let me know
* (just out of pure curiosity!) by sending me an email:
* eric@ayars.org
// Modified by Andy Wickert 5/15/11: Spliced in stuff from RTClib
// Modified by Simon Gassner 11/28/2017: Changed Term "PM" to "PM_time" for compability with SAMD Processors
#ifndef DS3231_h
#define DS3231_h
// Changed the following to work on 1.0
//#include "WProgram.h"
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Wire.h>
// DateTime (get everything at once) from JeeLabs / Adafruit
// Simple general-purpose date/time class (no TZ / DST / leap second handling!)
class DateTime {
DateTime (uint32_t t =0);
DateTime (uint16_t year, uint8_t month, uint8_t day,
uint8_t hour =0, uint8_t min =0, uint8_t sec =0);
DateTime (const char* date, const char* time);
uint16_t year() const { return 2000 + yOff; }
uint8_t month() const { return m; }
uint8_t day() const { return d; }
uint8_t hour() const { return hh; }
uint8_t minute() const { return mm; }
uint8_t second() const { return ss; }
uint8_t dayOfTheWeek() const;
// 32-bit times as seconds since 1/1/2000
long secondstime() const;
// 32-bit times as seconds since 1/1/1970
uint32_t unixtime(void) const;
uint8_t yOff, m, d, hh, mm, ss;
//checks if a year is a leap year
bool isleapYear(const uint8_t);
class RTClib {
// Get date and time snapshot
static DateTime now();
// Eric's original code is everything below this line
class DS3231 {
// Time-retrieval functions
// the get*() functions retrieve current values of the registers.
byte getSecond();
byte getMinute();
byte getHour(bool& h12, bool& PM_time);
// In addition to returning the hour register, this function
// returns the values of the 12/24-hour flag and the AM/PM flag.
byte getDoW();
byte getDate();
byte getMonth(bool& Century);
// Also sets the flag indicating century roll-over.
byte getYear();
// Last 2 digits only
// Time-setting functions
// Note that none of these check for sensibility: You can set the
// date to July 42nd and strange things will probably result.
void setSecond(byte Second);
// In addition to setting the seconds, this clears the
// "Oscillator Stop Flag".
void setMinute(byte Minute);
// Sets the minute
void setHour(byte Hour);
// Sets the hour
void setDoW(byte DoW);
// Sets the Day of the Week (1-7);
void setDate(byte Date);
// Sets the Date of the Month
void setMonth(byte Month);
// Sets the Month of the year
void setYear(byte Year);
// Last two digits of the year
void setClockMode(bool h12);
// Set 12/24h mode. True is 12-h, false is 24-hour.
// Temperature function
float getTemperature();
// Alarm functions
void getA1Time(byte& A1Day, byte& A1Hour, byte& A1Minute, byte& A1Second, byte& AlarmBits, bool& A1Dy, bool& A1h12, bool& A1PM);
/* Retrieves everything you could want to know about alarm
* one.
* A1Dy true makes the alarm go on A1Day = Day of Week,
* A1Dy false makes the alarm go on A1Day = Date of month.
* byte AlarmBits sets the behavior of the alarms:
* Dy A1M4 A1M3 A1M2 A1M1 Rate
* X 1 1 1 1 Once per second
* X 1 1 1 0 Alarm when seconds match
* X 1 1 0 0 Alarm when min, sec match
* X 1 0 0 0 Alarm when hour, min, sec match
* 0 0 0 0 0 Alarm when date, h, m, s match
* 1 0 0 0 0 Alarm when DoW, h, m, s match
* Dy A2M4 A2M3 A2M2 Rate
* X 1 1 1 Once per minute (at seconds = 00)
* X 1 1 0 Alarm when minutes match
* X 1 0 0 Alarm when hours and minutes match
* 0 0 0 0 Alarm when date, hour, min match
* 1 0 0 0 Alarm when DoW, hour, min match
void getA2Time(byte& A2Day, byte& A2Hour, byte& A2Minute, byte& AlarmBits, bool& A2Dy, bool& A2h12, bool& A2PM);
// Same as getA1Time();, but A2 only goes on seconds == 00.
void setA1Time(byte A1Day, byte A1Hour, byte A1Minute, byte A1Second, byte AlarmBits, bool A1Dy, bool A1h12, bool A1PM);
// Set the details for Alarm 1
void setA2Time(byte A2Day, byte A2Hour, byte A2Minute, byte AlarmBits, bool A2Dy, bool A2h12, bool A2PM);
// Set the details for Alarm 2
void turnOnAlarm(byte Alarm);
// Enables alarm 1 or 2 and the external interrupt pin.
// If Alarm != 1, it assumes Alarm == 2.
void turnOffAlarm(byte Alarm);
// Disables alarm 1 or 2 (default is 2 if Alarm != 1);
// and leaves the interrupt pin alone.
bool checkAlarmEnabled(byte Alarm);
// Returns T/F to indicate whether the requested alarm is
// enabled. Defaults to 2 if Alarm != 1.
bool checkIfAlarm(byte Alarm);
// Checks whether the indicated alarm (1 or 2, 2 default);
// has been activated.
// Oscillator functions
void enableOscillator(bool TF, bool battery, byte frequency);
// turns oscillator on or off. True is on, false is off.
// if battery is true, turns on even for battery-only operation,
// otherwise turns off if Vcc is off.
// frequency must be 0, 1, 2, or 3.
// 0 = 1 Hz
// 1 = 1.024 kHz
// 2 = 4.096 kHz
// 3 = 8.192 kHz (Default if frequency byte is out of range);
void enable32kHz(bool TF);
// Turns the 32kHz output pin on (true); or off (false).
bool oscillatorCheck();;
// Checks the status of the OSF (Oscillator Stop Flag);.
// If this returns false, then the clock is probably not
// giving you the correct time.
// The OSF is cleared by function setSecond();.
byte decToBcd(byte val);
// Convert normal decimal numbers to binary coded decimal
byte bcdToDec(byte val);
// Convert binary coded decimal to normal decimal numbers
byte readControlByte(bool which);
// Read selected control byte: (0); reads 0x0e, (1) reads 0x0f
void writeControlByte(byte control, bool which);
// Write the selected control byte.
// which == false -> 0x0e, true->0x0f.